One portion of the ship stays embedded on the Moon, while the other plummets to the planet below. Transformers: Armada, known in Japan as Super Robot Life-Form Transformers: Legends of the Microns (超ロボット生命体トランスフォーマー マイクロン伝説, Chō Robotto Seimeitai Toransufōmā Maikuron Densetsu), is a Transformers animated series, comic series, and toy line which ran from 2002–2004. Factory had partnered with Hasbro Studios to release numerous Transformers series in the United States, including Transformers: Armada. Transformers Prime Season 2 Episode 10 Armada. The episode opens in space, with our narrator explaining the history of the race called « »Transformers » » in brief. Smokescreen arrives to join the Autobots' team. C’est mon préféré comédie anime parce que les pièces se sentaient très semblables à mon…, Anime VOSTFR Avis: J’ai revu tout ce anime Cette année et ce anime est vraiment incroyable.
After a short intro, the masculine narrator says that the race settled, a planet that was eventually called Cybertron. Built to Rule was a building blocks toyline from Hasbro that is compatible with such leading brands as Lego.